Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program

So, I realize that sad, difficult post has been sitting out in the ether like a lead balloon. But now, I'm fine. Life has somehow leveled off, and I feel like I'm back at ground zero. While some days that feels depressing, and other days it feels just fine, mostly it reminds me how resilient we are as humans, that no matter how dark some days get, life makes it so that we almost always emerge back into some measure equilibrium. Perhaps a few scrapes tougher, but alive. Some photographic evidence that life is good:

The most beautiful baby in the world visited me for three glorious weeks. There are no words for the good she does for my soul. Before I get all goopy, we'll let this here do the talkin':

There were creme brulees and tomato salads. Both, and much much more, concocted at a job I adore. In these "trying times" that we never get a break from hearing about, I do not take for granted the joy I get from my work, my colleagues, and my industry. Yay, food:

There were popsicles. And my adoring man. Lots of popsicles, and lots of adoring:

And, like always, there were cocktails with friends. Without my friends, I wouldn't be here. It's as simple as that. Cocktails don't hurt either.

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