Monday, July 13, 2009

My Week in Revue

So, the staycation. It kinda, sorta happened. The first three days I spent in a sort of anxiety ridden distracted kind of funk, even though there was no real reason for it. I'm a freak like that. I come by it honestly. All my people (mothers and grandparents and the like) all had some sort of emotional "tilt" and my brand stays relatively stable. Relatively. I have my little bouts. I deal. The final two days were perfect though, and I slumped nicely into a lazy little summertime reverie, complete with all the things I love. You should know what they are by now, but if not, a quick review: wine/ whiskey, cheese, music, bikes, sleeping late, staring into the ether, friends, food, food, food, food, baths, noodles, cheese, yeah.

I also sorta kinda turned off the computer, which gave me time to read TWO! whole. books. One of which I enjoyed much more than the other.

My sister flew off to Mexico City to be with her man. I'm very happy that the two of them can be reunited, but she also took the small human, so needless to say, it's been emotional. Chela had just entered the stage where she's like a big pot of smiles for no reason at all, all the time. Like this:
(Sniff.) But evidently, she and her daddy are deeply in love with one another, so how can you begrudge that? You can't. Gotta get my passport renewed.

I cooked this. Local greens and broccoli over pasta with tomatoes, cream and parm. It was fine. Kinda meh. It could have used something. It was better the next day with a fried egg over it, my new favorite breakfast of all time. Pasta & eggs. Does it get any better? Oh yeah, with truffle oil. Gahhhhhhh (Homer Simpson Style).

Music continues to turn my crank. We inherited an old turntable (she ain't sexy but she can still work it) and a bunch of records, many of which used to be mine, but also the amassed collections of my mom and grandma (both avid music lovers as well, something else I come by honestly). I'll put up a seperate post about all the sweet fucking treasures I have, but here's a nugget. Jealous?:
Speaking of music, wait for it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I took an upright bass lesson. And I SUCK! But it was fun. I'm no natural, but it's nice to wrestle my brain into the practice of trying to learn something new, difficult and awesome. I decided to nix the lessons, I'm toooooo green, but B has been schooling me on the electric bass, and even though I SUCK (did I mention I suck???) he's been patient, and I can almost get my way through a basic blues pattern. I also have a cute little red callous on my middle finger that I'm pretty proud of.

This is how we do it on a Saturday night at the Bos-Williams household. This? This did not suck. Homemade guac, salsa, black beans & rice, and grilled pork. Oh, lord:
And last but certainly not least, meet Mochi. (Object not to scale.) She's actually much littler than she appears here (only 4 months). We've been planning that kitty adoption for awhile, and it finally happened about two hours ago. We're getting acquainted now. I actually had it bad for a charming 10-week-old solid white guy with blue eyes, but as these things tend to go, Mochi chose me. She just wouldn't take no for an answer. She's crashed on the window sill as I write this as though she's lived here all her life. She loves me. Anyway, it's nice to have some estrogen back in the house, as much as I love the fellas:
Otherwise, I did a bunch of procrastinating around my writing "career" (ha!), went to see my pretend boyfriend twice, bought four new outfits, two of which I fear were very bad decisions, stalked & coveted a rare, precious bottle of this, which will be mine someday very soon (mark my words,) and I'm gonna get a tattoo.

That's it.

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