Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another One Down

I just put in resignation at my most recent part time job. I've had so many jobs in my life, I suppose I should be somewhat embarrassed. But I'm not. Quite the contrary. I look back at the portfolio of experiences I've had, the numbers of quirky characters I've met, the dozens of odd skills I've acquired, and I'm actually kinda proud. I've never been fired from a job, and with the exception of about three of these jobs, I've left on good terms and all of my bosses said they'd hire me back. I'm also very employable and usually get whatever job I go after. (This marks the end of the tooting my own horn portion of the post.) 

I have been with the magazine for over three years, so I am capable of hanging onto a gig when I feel it's a worthwhile endeavor. Most of the food related jobs I have had end because I'm weary of some kind of politics, or a better opportunity comes my way. I decided not so very long ago that I wasn't going to dedicate my life to working in kitchens. I didn't find this business until I was well into my twenties (late twenties, actually) and as such, kids very much my junior already had a jump start on me. I caught up a bit, and I'm a pretty solid cook, but spreading my eggs around in lots of baskets means I don't have quite the abilities lots of other cooks, people who dedicate 60 hours and more to the business have. And I have too much respect for those people to call myself a chef, or to think that I'm capable of running the show. I'm a good cook, a great right had lady, and if shit ever hit the fan, (if I ever wake up from this crazy food writer dream) I could get myself up to speed enough to run a small place, hopefully my own someday. 

This past job was working in the kitchen at a coop. It had it's merits, but I thought it would be different. It was easy and low stress, but the food pretty much sucked and it was boring. There was no challenge in it, and the people weren't the kinds I've come to think of as my kindred (coop people are a different breed entirely from restaurant folks, and while I'd rather hang with coop people than investment bankers, I'd still rather be around restaurant folk). So, I'm saying a fond farewell to this place, and looking forward to spending the summer working for some of my favorite guys. They're also in the process of acquiring a cafe, which may or may not have some opportunity for me. 

I consider myself very lucky to regularly be embarking on new adventures, which is thanks in no small part to my ever supportive man, who brings home the bacon right on time, every two weeks like clockwork. I fried that bacon up in a pan for him last night. You can check out that outstanding meal right here, next time on the all me all the time channel. 


  1. If coop people are anything like Bir*hwood Cafe people, then I totally get it. Weird with a capital W.

  2. I feel like there was more left for us to accomplish at the co-op. Damn. I hope the new endeavor goes well.

  3. I was going to ride my bike down to the co-op too, the next time the rain fell.

  4. Wait long enough and we'll run it together!
