Monday, June 8, 2009

But First, A Look Back

We just moved. Moving has been a theme in our lives over the past few years. We had that house we just loved for five years, but the ghetto it was located in, not so much. When we finally sold it, we were ecstatic, and moving into Uptown was like a whole new life. Finally there were opportunities to bike, and places to bike to!

This here new place is our third apartment in Uptown, and we love it. I spent a lot of time bitching about the last place-- the second one-- but now that we're out of there, I can look at it with a certain amount of optimism. First, the place was a steal. Only eight hundred bucks with utilities included. This allowed me to flit off to exotic locales more often than anyone should be allowed, and that was a beautiful thing.

And, you know, it had it's charms. It's "garden level" charms. So here they are/were in technicolor for your viewing pleasures:

This was a 10 unit building, but ours was unique in that it had a private entrance. When the building was original, our place was a pharmacy. I often wished it were still a pharmacy for those moments when the Xani was getting low. Outside, there was a little patio that wasn't practical for much at all, but we could grill and hang out a bit. I'd take my coffee on the steps most mornings, but I was always being accosted by the wierdos from the coffee shop next door. But there I go being negative again. The little private entrance was nice:

Where the bow-chicka went down. But seriously, the walls were thick here, and we barely ever saw our neighbors, so, you know.

The breakfast nook I took over for an office. The butcher block was a gift from the man, and I don't think I've ever used it for any butchering. Still, it was perfect for the space and I've tap-tap-tapped away quite nicely on it for many months. For those of you in the know, that is a Scott Pampuch mask that Rocket made with her own two hands. If you don't know the story about the Puch, ask about it sometime. Funny stuff. The other "art" is menus either from places I've worked or notable meals I've had. I'm not much for buying art; instead I like found items and objects that come spontaneously into my life.

The kitchen is what sold me on the place. As you can see, it was big. I pimped it out in high style, as you can also see. Please note Ruby the Mixer. I HAD TO HAVE her. And, I use her never. Still, something about her makes me feel like a grown up lady. The albums on the wall are Elvis and Marvin Gaye. The little Mexican on the microwave was also a found item. The tapestry you can see through the doorway? I've always kind of hated it. I got it as a gift from a dear, departed friend, and for this reason I can't part with it. Still, it was more his taste than mine, so there you go. At the new place, I've yet to hang it. But, I will. My sister did the drawing of my Grandma. I love keeping it in the kitchen because the photo she used as a model was taken in the spot gramma liked to sit in at the cabin's kitchen. It's a lovely memory of my lovely grandmother. I miss her more every day.

My big, walk in closet where I could keep all my shit "organized". Please note the Hanes Her Way panties from Target that come five to a pack. Sexxxy. The red satin V.S. robe was also an item I just had to have, and I always hated it. It would slide around and you could never keep the belt on. Useless. I put it out on the curb during the move. Hope it found a better home/ body. The white fuzzy hat? Same deal. What is wrong with me?

When the dust settles, pics of the new place.

1 comment:

  1. This is great -- I never got to see the place where you and the man lived! I hope you're enjoying the hell out of your new place ...
